2021 HHA Training Videos
These videos take over 90 minutes to watch. It may be helpful to reference the videos while you take the quiz. It is hard to switch back and forth between the online quiz and these videos, especially on a mobile device. If you are using a computer, keep this page open in another browser or browser tab as you take the quiz . If using a mobile device, we recommend watching the videos on a separate device from the quiz. Both the videos and the quiz should work on any device.
1) Infection control Hand Hygiene Education .
3) Customer Service.
4) Care of Dentures.
5) How to apply ted hose
6) Transfer with EZ Stand
7) Transfer with Hoyer Lift
8) Dementia, dealing with challenging behaviors
9) Universal sling with head support cross leg sling use with hoyer lift
10) Covid-19 How to properly use and re-use a surgical mask. Your mask must be stored in a paper bag when not in use. Do not use a sealed zip lock baggie.
11) Covid-19 Donning and doffing PPE. How to put on and take off PPE correctly
12) Covid-19 Proper hand washing. Wash your hands for 20 seconds, enough time to sing the “Happy Birthday” song twice.
13) Covid-19 Proper way to use hand sanitizer
14) How to apply and fit N95 respirator mask
15) Dementia – Brain Changes
16) Dementia – Challenging Behavior